Our Community Bank was so thrilled to support the new Mt Clear – Bunny Rail Trail. A project that will better connect the neighbouring areas and share common natural assets.
Community Bank Director Andrea Mason presented a cheque for $33,000 to the Friends of Canadian Corridor (FoCC) to build the Mt Clear - Bunny Rail Trail. Cr Ben Taylor celebrated the successful purchase of the land at 55 Recreation Road by the Council to become a Bushland Reserve.
The opportunity to connect Mt Clear to Woowookarung Regional Park came about in 2019 when the FoCC spotted an auction sign on the land by its owner the Victorian Education Building Authority. The Friends went to work with the local community to develop a solid proposal to build a new Rail Trail along the old rail embankment on the property.
The proposed trail connects the Mt Clear township with the Woowookarung Regional Park and provides a trail through the Woowookarung Regional Park to the Eureka Centre and the existing “Bunny Trail” connection to central Ballarat.
Work is expected to start in July.
If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or apply online at www.communitygrowshere.com.au/investment

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