We couldn’t jump quick enough on the Community Investment application we received from The Aboriginal Literacy Foundation. The post-Covid environment meant a number of local aboriginal students had been significantly affected after the lockdown periods and specialised tutoring was required to catch this group up to their peers in school.
Our Community Bank provided the funding to ensure this group of students would be able to return to school at the level they needed to and succeed in this space.
Dr Anthony Cree from The Aboriginal Literacy Foundation said “we recruit through schools and the local Aboriginal Co-Op. Our objectives are to identify students in need and provide diagnostic testing to enable positive tutoring to take place, to provide students with excellent one-on-one tutoring in an indigenous-friendly environment and also to provide positive liaison with the student’s school, teacher and parents”.
The success of the tutoring program has meant the initiative will continue to offer after-school tutoring in Western Victoria. The organisation considers good literacy to be the backbone for succeeding in school, going on to higher education, training or employment. And that’s something we can get behind for sure.
If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or apply online at www.communitygrowshere.com.au/investment
