The Navigators Tennis Club has gone from zero to hero in the space of two years. After folding many years ago, a dedicated group of locals resurrected the club and doubled membership numberrs this season.
Unfortunately at the outset the courts were in a state of disrepair and deemed unsafe by Tennis Victoria meaning they would be unable to join the Hot Shots Program. Our Community Bank jumped on board to have the courts professionally cleaned and bring them up to standard.
The real win for the club aside from doubling their membership numbers, was being nominated as regional Hot Shots recruits to attend this year’s Australian Open. Along with six other country clubs, Navigators were the recipients of 53 tickets for their players, parents and potential new members.
Club Representative Clayton Ryan said “we were provided with our own coach to collect us from the club to the AO and home again. While at the Open, the kids were given free access to all the outside courts and premium reserved seating in the John Cain arena, so plenty of tennis action was experienced up close and personal! None of this would have been possible without Community Bank Buninyong's support to get us going”.

If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or apply online at
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