Resource Centre
Image Authorisation Forms
When submitting your story and images we require permission from the individuals in the supplied images. You can upload your completed forms at the time of submitting your story.
From time to time, your community organisation may need to issue a Tax Invoice to receive payment. This is also the case when you're receiving Community Investment funding from us and we ask you to provide us with a formal Tax Invoice. If you don't do them often, it can be confusing what information is required. Simply download our free template and get busy issuing invoices to ensure your cashflow is nothing but positive.
BDFSL Invoice
Blank Invoice
Media Releases
Want to nail a media release?
A media release is a written or recorded communication sent to the media for the purpose of announcing something newsworthy. A well-crafted media release can be a powerful and free tool for getting your message out to the public. So, how do you write a media release that has impact? We'll we've got you covered. Simply download our free template and get busy telling everyone what it is you've just achieved.