Hands down we think it was us! With a limited number of talented track stars on staff, we managed to score Steve Moneghetti run the Sponsors’ Challenge for us. While known for his ability to dominate over slightly longer distances, Steve graciously took on the challenge wearing the Community Bank Buninyong singlet with pride and came in 5th. Thanks so much @stevemoneghetti
Our Community Bank was proud to support the local event over the Labour Day Long Weekend with a particular focus on the 100m “Dash for Sash” supporting junior athletics and women in sport.
If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or visit communitygrowshere.com.au/investment
#communitybankbuninyong #communitybanking #bendigobank #communityinvestment #lovebuninyong #buninyong #ballaratgift #ballaratlittleathletics
