Our Community Bank helped fund new filtration units at the Buninyong Men’s Shed (Australian Men's Shed Association). The extractors have been of huge benefit reducing the airborne dust particles that float around the workshop, which in turn has improved the health outcomes for members working in the space. This is particularly so for those with respiratory issues or concerns.
Members who were previously reluctant to be in the workshop because of the air quality can now work confidently knowing the extractors are doing their job. It was also a prioritised well-being project for all members allowing the group to get on with doing what they do best – providing for our community. The group has also experienced an increase in membership which is a great outcome.
Buninyong Men’s Shed Secretary Chris Kruger said “we are currently looking at getting back to full operation following the impact of the Covid restrictions. The Shed provides an environment that assists men with improving both their mental and physical health. The restrictions did impact on many members' ability to engage with others and we still face many hurdles that need to be overcome. The Shed’s priority now is to provide the right environment where all members feel happy to return and re-engage”.
Anyone interested in joining the Men’s Shed can visit www.buninyong.shed.org.au
Impact Achievement: New filtration units for improved health and well-being
Community Investment Category: Society
If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or visit communitygrowshere.com.au/investment #communitybankbuninyong #communitybanking #bendigobank #communityinvestment #lovebuninyong #buninyong #menssheds #mensshedsaustralia #buninyongmensshed
